About Us
We are company with Swedish and Finnish owners that have a long experience in forestry and forest valuations. In Lithuania we started buying and developing forest properties in 2013.
Our Lithuanian staff are well educated forest engineers that ensures all parts of the process from buying the forest, making forest management plans, cutting and planting are made in the best possible way.
It is important to us that the companies we work with meet our quality requirements and we put a lot of effort in getting the best possible prices from timber buyers.
About Lithuania
Among the Baltic States the prices of forest properties are lowest here but the quality and fertility are the best of the three countries. One of the reasons for that is that the market opened up here last which means that foreign investment has been considerably lower and but we expect the difference in price to decrease in the near future. The timber price level is about the same throughout the states which makes the calculations very attractive here.
Lithuania is the largest of the Baltic States and one third of the area is forestland. Lithuania joined the EU in 2004 and introduced the Euro in 2015.